Table of Contents:
Types of Soup |
No. of Packs |
Soup Pack |
1. |
Mind Calming & Sleep Improvement Soup 安神养心汤 |
3 |
NHL8441 Anti-Stress Herbal Tonic Soup 补脑宁神汤 NHL8442 Sleep Well Tonic Soup 茯神安逸滋补炖汤 NHL8440 Heart Nourishing Herbal Tonic 柏子仁养心炖汤
2. |
Digestive Support Soup 补脾健胃汤 |
4 |
NHL8498 4-Herb (PLUS) Tonic Soup 祛湿安神四神汤 NHL8460 8-Treasure Herbal Tonic 八宝健脾祛湿汤 NHL8420 Korea Ginseng Milkvetch Root Tonic Soup 叁芪健脾滋补炖汤 NHL8421 Lung & Spleen Nourishing Tonic Soup 养脾润肺滋补炖汤
3. |
Blood Nourishment Soup 养血补血汤 |
6 |
NHL8499 4-Herb (PLUS) Blood Building Tonic Soup 养血调经四物汤 NHL8406 Notoginseng Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 田七活血补虚汤 NHL8503 8-Precious-Herb (Plus) Tonic Soup 加味八珍汤 NHL8500 8-Precious-Herb Tonic Soup 八珍汤 NHL8501 Angelica Blood Nourishing Tonic Soup 当归补血汤 NHL8507 Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 枣乌养血护发炖汤
4 |
Vitality Boost & Warming Soup 补气温阳汤 |
5 |
NHL8403 9-Flavour Korean Ginseng Tonic Soup 九味汤 NHL8405 Perfect 10 Tonic Soup 十全大补汤 NHL8404 Warming & Nourishing Tonic Soup 祛寒补虚炖汤 NHL8400 Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup参须炖鸡汤 NHL8401 Stamina Builder Tonic Soup 柴胡益气滋补炖汤 |
5 . |
Physique & Back Recovery Soup 强筋壮腰骨汤 |
4 |
NHL8447 Waist Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲续断补腰炖汤 NHL8445 Waist Strengthening & Tonifying Tonic Soup 固腰强精炖汤 NHL8444 Eucommia Back-Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲补腰炖汤 NHL8448 Waist & Knees Strengthening Tonic Soup 益气补血壮腰膝汤 |
6 |
Beauty & Nourishment Soup 滋阴养颜汤 |
8 |
NHL8523 Lung Nourishing Anti-phlegm Tonic Soup 祛痰润肺滋补汤 NHL8480 Moistening & Nourishing Tonic Soup 养阴润燥炖汤 NHL8465 Beauty Nourishing Tonic Soup 养颜滋补汤 NHL8524 Lung Nourishing Herbal Tonic Soup 养阴益肺滋补汤 NHL8497 6-Flavour (PLUS) Tonic Soup清润六味汤 NHL8461 American Ginseng Tonic Soup 花旗参滋补汤 NHL8408 HeShouWu Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 何首乌滋发炖汤 NHL8407 Rejuvenating Tonic Soup枣仁乌鸡滋补汤 |
7 |
Lochia Clearing Soup 恶露祛除汤 |
4 |
NHL8740 Postnatal Brew (ShengHua Decoction)生化汤 |
8 |
Supplement Tea 补养茶 |
30 |
NHL8502 Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Weekly Objectives |
Day |
Soup Benefits |
Soup |
Tea |
WEEK 1 第一周 排除恶露 安神利眠 养血活血 Expels Lochia |
Day 1 |
益智安神 Calms the mind, promotes emotional stability |
Anti-Stress Herbal Tonic Soup 补脑宁神汤 |
Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 2 |
安神助眠 Calms the mind and nourishes the heart, helps with restful sleep. |
Sleep Well Tonic Soup 茯神安逸滋补炖汤 |
RVT Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 3 |
祛湿 安神 健脾胃 Expels dampness, clears the mind, and improves digestion. |
4-Herb (PLUS) Tonic Soup 祛湿安神四神汤 |
RVT Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 4 |
养血 安神 养发 Nourishes blood and Qi, supports digestion and tonifies the body. |
Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 枣仁乌鸡滋补汤 |
RVT Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 5 |
清润安神 Helps with fluid retention, nourishing without excess moisture |
6-Flavour (PLUS) Tonic Soup 清润六味汤 |
RVT Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 6 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Strengthens kidneys, bones, and the lower back. |
Eucommia Back-Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲补腰炖汤 |
RVT Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
Day 7 |
补虚活血 Strengthens vitality, Promotes blood circulation |
Notoginseng Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 田七活血补虚汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
WEEK 2 第二周 回补气血 补虚祛寒 强身壮腰 Restores energy and blood |
Day 8 |
补虚祛寒 Warms the body, strengthens vitality |
Warming & Nourishing Tonic Soup 祛寒补虚炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 9 |
祛湿健脾 Expels dampness, strengthens spleen, and improves digestion. |
8-Treasure Herbal Tonic 八宝健脾祛湿汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 10 |
气血双补 Tonifies both Qi and blood, balances and nourishes the body. |
8-Precious-Herb (Plus) Tonic Soup 加味八珍汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 11 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood, supports healing, and prevents postpartum hair loss |
Angelica Blood Nourishing Tonic Soup 当归补血汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 12 |
回补元气 Tonifies Qi, strengthens the body, and boosts energy. |
Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup 参须炖鸡汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 13 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Strengthens bones, alleviates lower back ache. |
Waist & Knees Strengthening Tonic Soup 益气补血壮腰膝汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 14 |
生津提神 Enhances mental clarity and focus, nourishes energy reserve |
American Ginseng Tonic Soup 花旗参滋补汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
WEEK 3 第三周 回补元气 强筋骨 健脾胃 养血护发 Restores vital energy Strengthens muscles and bone Improves digestion Supports blood health and prevents hair loss |
Day 15 |
气血双补 Strengthens both Qi and blood, boosts energy. |
8-Precious-Herb Tonic Soup 八珍汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 16 |
回补元气 Tonifies Qi, promotes energy and emotional balance. |
Stamina Builder Tonic Soup 柴胡益气滋补炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 17 |
益气健脾胃 Strengthens the spleen and stomach, improves digestion. |
Korea Ginseng Milkvetch Root Tonic Soup 叁芪健脾滋补炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 18 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood, promotes hair growth, strengthens kidneys. |
HeShouWu Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 何首乌滋发炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 19 |
气血双补 Tonifies Qi, strengthens the digestive system. |
9-Flavour Korean Ginseng Tonic Soup 九味汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 20 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Tonifies and strengthens bones, nourishes Qi. |
Waist Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲续断补腰炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 21 |
养血调经 Nourishes and regulates blood, tonifies the body |
4-Herb (PLUS) Blood Building Tonic Soup 养血调经四物汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
WEEK 4 第四周 调养体质 滋阴润燥 提高免疫力 Improves physical condition Nourishes & moistens to clear excess heat Enhances immunity. |
Day 22 |
滋阴壮肺 Clears lung heat, nourishes Yin and moistens dryness |
Lung Nourishing Anti-phlegm Tonic Soup 祛痰润肺滋补汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 23 |
养阴润燥 Nourishes Yin, moisturizes skin and lungs. |
Moistening & Nourishing Tonic Soup 养阴润燥炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 24 |
养心安神 Calms the heart, nourishes blood, and improves sleep. |
Heart Nourishing Herbal Tonic 柏子仁养心炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 25 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood and promotes healthy hair. |
Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 枣乌养血护发炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 26 |
养颜滋补 Nourishes the skin, promotes healthy complexion. |
Beauty Nourishing Tonic Soup 养颜滋补汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 27 |
补肝肾 壮筋骨 Strengthens the kidneys, nourishes essence, and improves vitality |
Waist Strengthening & Tonifying Tonic Soup 固腰强精炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 28 |
养阴益肺 Nourishes Yin, strengthens the lungs. |
Lung Nourishing Herbal Tonic Soup 养阴益肺滋补汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 29 |
养脾润燥 Strengthens the spleen, nourishes the lungs, and clears dryness. |
Lung & Spleen Nourishing Tonic Soup 养脾润肺滋补炖汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
Day 30 |
提高免疫力 Restores energy, boosts immunity, and revitalizes overall health. |
Perfect 10 Tonic Soup 十全大补汤 |
Confinement Tea 红枣月子茶 |
- 红枣月子茶应每天饮用,以获得其通用的滋补和安抚效果。在整个过程中,保持充足的水分摄入非常重要,建议饮用温暖的液体,如水、草药茶和汤类。
- 自然产:身体恢复较快,恶露排出顺畅,通常可在产后7-14天开始服用生化汤。若有严重出血或感染等症状,应推迟使用生化汤。生化汤建议在产后7天左右开始服用,具体时间视个人恢复情况而定,通常在“恶露”排出较为彻底后。可在早晨空腹时和晚餐前服用,分2-3次,以确保药效最大化。建议温服
- 生化汤主要活血化瘀,可与补汤搭配使用。