Plum Rose Tea
Key Benefits:
Refreshes the mind, promotes blood circulation, and preserves beauty
Rose Buds
Liquorice Root
Content: 10g x 6s
The tea is commonly used to refresh the mind, enhance blood circulation, and promote beauty. It helps to relax the mind and supports overall well-being.
This tea effectively refreshes the mind, improves circulation, and enhances skin health, making it beneficial for general wellness and beauty.
More information about the herbs & flowers in the tea:
1. Rose Buds:
Conditions: Rose Buds improve blood circulation, soothe stress, and support skin health. It is also used to regulate the menstrual cycle and promote emotional balance.
Symptoms: Emotional stress, headaches, digestive discomfort.
2. Plum:
Conditions: Plum is known for its ability to aid digestion, relieve fatigue, and quench thirst. It is also beneficial for promoting a healthy complexion and supporting liver health.
Symptoms: Digestive issues, fatigue, dry mouth.
3. Liquorice Root:
Conditions: Liquorice Root harmonises other herbs, calms the digestive system, and boosts energy levels. Its anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving properties make it useful for improving overall well-being.
Symptoms: Fatigue, digestive upset, stress.
General Precautions:
1. Moderation: Liquorice Root should be consumed in moderation, especially for people with high blood pressure, as excessive consumption may raise blood pressure.
2. Allergic Reactions: This tea may be avoided by those with known allergies to flowers or certain fruits.
Making Your Own Instant Health Tea
1. Steep one tea bag in freshly boiled water for 10–15 minutes. Extend the steeping time as needed for herbs in the form of seeds or roots.
2. The same tea bag can typically be used for 2–3 steeps.
3. No sugar is needed—enjoy the natural aroma of herbal tea.
Store in a dry & cool place. Refrigeration is recommended for prolonged storage.