Stomach Flu Remedy
- Baical Skullcap Root黄芩
- Atractylodes Rhizome苍术
- Agastache Rugosus藿香
- Officinal Magnolia Bark厚朴
- Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb鱼腥草
- Lalang Grass Rhizome茅根
- Kudzuvine Root葛根
This tea treats digestive conditions, clears heat, detoxifies the body, and treats respiratory conditions. The herbs work together to address symptoms like nausea, digestive discomfort, fever, cough, and muscle stiffness, making them effective in treating Stomach Flu with various conditions related to heat, dampness, and Qi stagnation.
More info about the Herbs:
1. Baical Skullcap Root (Huang Qin, 黄芩):
- Symptoms: High fever, irritability, and jaundice.
- Benefits: Baical Skullcap Root is often used to clear heat and dry dampness, especially in the lungs and stomach. It is effective in treating respiratory infections, fever, and conditions like jaundice related to damp-heat.
2. Atractylodes Rhizome (Bai Zhu, 白术):
- Symptoms: Poor appetite, fatigue, and digestive issues.
Benefits: Atractylodes Rhizome is used to tonify the Spleen, dry dampness, and strengthen the Qi. It is often prescribed for conditions related to spleen deficiency, such as indigestion, diarrhea, and fatigue.
3. Agastache Rugosus (Huo Xiang, 藿香):
- Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
- Benefits: Agastache Rugosus releases the exterior, transforms dampness, and harmonizes the stomach. It is particularly effective in treating gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea and vomiting, often caused by dampness or summer heat.
4. Officinal Magnolia Bark (Hou Po, 厚朴):
- Symptoms: Abdominal bloating, constipation, and cough with phlegm.
Benefits: Magnolia Bark moves Qi, resolves stagnation, and transforms phlegm. It effectively treats digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and respiratory issues related to phlegm.
5. Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb (Yu Xing Cao, 鱼腥草):
- Symptoms: Respiratory infections, cough with phlegm, and sore throat.
- Benefits: This herb is commonly used to clear heat and detoxify the body, especially in treating lung abscesses, respiratory infections, and other conditions related to heat and toxins in the lungs.
6. Lalang Grass Rhizome (Bai Mao Gen, 白茅根):
- Symptoms: Fever, nosebleeds, and urinary tract infections.
- Benefits: Lalang Grass Rhizome cools the blood, stops bleeding, and promotes urination. It effectively treats symptoms related to heat in the blood, such as nosebleeds, and helps alleviate urinary tract infections.
7. Kudzu Vine Root (Ge Gen, 葛根):
- Symptoms: Stiff neck, headache, and fever.
- Benefits: Kudzu Root releases the exterior, relaxes muscles, and generates fluids. It is often prescribed for conditions like colds, flu, and muscle stiffness, especially in the neck and shoulders.