What’s HerbPicksTM Online?
HerbPicksTM Online is a service we created to cater to our customers who want a more customized TCM package that is not offered by our own TCMNaturalTM range of products.
First, determine what TCM ingredients you desire, be it your favourite soup recipe, your regular healthy concoction, or a TCM prescription by your practitioner. Then, follow the steps below:
HerbPicksTM Form:
How Does It Work?
Prescription Upload -
Upload your herb list and provide us with your email and mobile no. via form below or WhatsApp us.
Quotation Confirmation -
A price quotation will be provided via email or WhatsApp for your confirmation. Once you have agreed, we will send you a “link” to bring you back to this e-commerce site.
Receive Your Personalized Item Listing -
Purchase Your Customized Package On Our Website Through The Link!