Anti-Itch Remedy 解痒透疹茶
- Kudzuvine Root 葛根
- Honeysuckle Flower 金银花
- Arnebia Root 紫草
- Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome 升麻
- Cicada Slough 蝉蜕
- Liquorice Root 甘草
This tea treats itching and skin rashes, particularly those caused by wind-heat and heat toxicity. The herbs work together to clear heat, release the exterior, and alleviate itching, effectively managing skin conditions such as rashes, eczema, and allergic reactions.
More info about the Herbs:
1. Kudzu Vine Root (Ge Gen, 葛根):
- Symptoms: Skin rashes, neck stiffness, and headaches.
Benefits: Kudzu Vine Root releases muscles, alleviates rashes, and clears heat. It effectively treats conditions like measles, skin rashes, and neck stiffness, especially heat-associated ones.
2. Honeysuckle Flower (Jin Yin Hua, 金银花):
- Symptoms: Skin infections, sore throat, and fever.
- Benefits: Honeysuckle Flower clears heat and resolves toxicity. It effectively treats skin infections, boils, and conditions like sore throat and fever, particularly those associated with heat and toxicity.
3. Arnebia Root (Zi Cao, 紫草):
- Symptoms: Skin rashes, burns, and eczema.
- Benefits: Arnebia Root cools the blood and resolves toxins. It effectively treats skin conditions such as rashes, burns, and eczema.
4. Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (Sheng Ma, 升麻):
- Symptoms: Skin rashes, fever, and sore throat.
- Benefits: Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome releases the exterior, vent rashes, and raises Yang Qi. It is effective for conditions like measles, skin rashes, and other febrile diseases, especially those needing upward and outward dispersal.
5. Cicada Slough (Chan Tui, 蝉蜕):
- Symptoms: Skin rashes, itching, and sore throat.
Benefits: Cicada Slough disperses wind heat and alleviates itching. It is particularly effective in treating skin rashes, itching, and sore throats associated with wind heat.
6. Liquorice Root (Gan Cao, 甘草):
- Symptoms: Sore throat, cough, and skin issues.
- Benefits: Liquorice Root is a harmonizing herb that soothes the throat, reduces inflammation and alleviates itching. It also has detoxifying properties, making it useful in treating skin issues.