Asthmatic Cough Remedy
This tea aims to treat coughs associated with asthma, particularly those related to phlegm and Qi deficiency. The herbs work together to tonify Qi, transform phlegm, and relieve cough and wheezing, effectively managing respiratory conditions characterised by asthma and difficulty breathing.
More info about the Herbs:
1. Lingzhi (灵芝, Reishi Mushroom):
- Symptoms: Fatigue, shortness of breath, and general weakness.
- Benefits: Lingzhi is known for its ability to tonify the Qi, calm the mind, and strengthen the immune system. It is particularly effective in treating conditions related to Qi deficiency, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and weakened immune response.
2. Perilla Leaf (Su Ye, 苏叶):
- Symptoms: Cough, wheezing, and phlegm accumulation.
Benefits: Perilla Leaf is used to disperse wind-cold, stop coughing, and relieve wheezing. It effectively treats respiratory conditions such as cough and asthma, especially when there is phlegm and difficulty breathing.
3. Pinellia Tuber (Ban Xia, 半夏):
- Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and cough with phlegm.
- Benefits: Pinellia Tuber is commonly used to dry dampness, transform phlegm, and harmonise the stomach. It effectively treats conditions such as cough with phlegm, nausea, vomiting, and chest congestion.
4. Indian Bread (Fu Ling, 茯苓):
- Symptoms: Edema, digestive issues, and phlegm accumulation.
- Benefits: Indian Bread is a versatile herb that drains dampness, strengthens the spleen, and calms the mind. It effectively treats conditions like edema, digestive problems, and phlegm accumulation.
5. Officinal Magnolia Bark (Hou Po, 厚朴):
- Symptoms: Abdominal distension, bloating, and cough.
Benefits: Officinal Magnolia Bark moves Qi, resolves stagnation, and transforms phlegm. It is particularly effective in treating digestive disturbances, bloating, and coughs associated with phlegm and Qi stagnation.
灵芝平喘方 旨在治疗与哮喘相关的咳嗽,特别是与痰和气虚有关的咳嗽。诸药相辅相成,具有益气化痰、止咳平喘的作用,可有效治疗哮喘、呼吸困难等呼吸道疾病。
1. 灵芝:
- 症状:疲劳、气短和全身无力。
- 功效:灵芝具有补气、镇静、增强免疫系统的功效。它对于治疗与气虚有关的病症特别有效,例如疲劳、气短和免疫反应减弱。
2. 紫苏叶:
- 症状:咳嗽、气喘、痰多。
- 功效:紫苏叶具有散风寒、止咳平喘的作用。它对治疗咳嗽和哮喘等呼吸道疾病有效,尤其是有痰和呼吸困难时。
3. 半夏:
- 症状:恶心、呕吐、咳嗽有痰。
- 功效:半夏常用来燥湿、化痰、和胃。对治疗咳嗽有痰、恶心、呕吐、胸闷等病症有特效。
4. 茯苓:
- 症状:水肿、消化问题和痰积。
- 功效:茯苓是一种多功能草药,可祛湿、健脾、宁心。它可以有效治疗水肿、消化问题和痰积等病症。
5. 厚朴:
- 症状:腹胀、咳嗽。
- 功效:厚朴具有行气、化滞、化痰的作用。它对治疗消化不良、腹胀、痰瘀咳嗽等症状特别有效。