Table of Contents:
Types of Soup |
No. of Packs |
Soup Pack |
1. |
Mind Calming & Sleep Improvement Soup 安神养心汤 |
3 |
NHL8441 Anti-Stress Herbal Tonic Soup 补脑宁神汤 NHL8442 Sleep Well Tonic Soup 茯神安逸滋补炖汤 NHL8440 Heart Nourishing Herbal Tonic 柏子仁养心炖汤
2. |
Digestive Support Soup 补脾健胃汤 |
4 |
NHL8498 4-Herb (PLUS) Tonic Soup 祛湿安神四神汤 NHL8460 8-Treasure Herbal Tonic 八宝健脾祛湿汤 NHL8420 Korea Ginseng Milkvetch Root Tonic Soup 叁芪健脾滋补炖汤 NHL8421 Lung & Spleen Nourishing Tonic Soup 养脾润肺滋补炖汤
3. |
Blood Nourishment Soup 养血补血汤 |
6 |
NHL8499 4-Herb (PLUS) Blood Building Tonic Soup 养血调经四物汤 NHL8406 Notoginseng Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 田七活血补虚汤 NHL8503 8-Precious-Herb (Plus) Tonic Soup 加味八珍汤 NHL8500 8-Precious-Herb Tonic Soup 八珍汤 NHL8501 Angelica Blood Nourishing Tonic Soup 当归补血汤 NHL8507 Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 枣乌养血护发炖汤
4 |
Vitality Boost & Warming Soup 补气温阳汤 |
5 |
NHL8403 9-Flavour Korean Ginseng Tonic Soup 九味汤 NHL8405 Perfect 10 Tonic Soup 十全大补汤 NHL8404 Warming & Nourishing Tonic Soup 祛寒补虚炖汤 NHL8400 Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup参须炖鸡汤 NHL8401 Stamina Builder Tonic Soup 柴胡益气滋补炖汤 |
5 . |
Physique & Back Recovery Soup 强筋壮腰骨汤 |
4 |
NHL8447 Waist Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲续断补腰炖汤 NHL8445 Waist Strengthening & Tonifying Tonic Soup 固腰强精炖汤 NHL8444 Eucommia Back-Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲补腰炖汤 NHL8448 Waist & Knees Strengthening Tonic Soup 益气补血壮腰膝汤 |
6 |
Beauty & Nourishment Soup 滋阴养颜汤 |
8 |
NHL8523 Lung Nourishing Anti-phlegm Tonic Soup 祛痰润肺滋补汤 NHL8480 Moistening & Nourishing Tonic Soup 养阴润燥炖汤 NHL8465 Beauty Nourishing Tonic Soup 养颜滋补汤 NHL8524 Lung Nourishing Herbal Tonic Soup 养阴益肺滋补汤 NHL8497 6-Flavour (PLUS) Tonic Soup清润六味汤 NHL8461 American Ginseng Tonic Soup 花旗参滋补汤 NHL8408 HeShouWu Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 何首乌滋发炖汤 NHL8407 Rejuvenating Tonic Soup枣仁乌鸡滋补汤 |
7 |
Lochia Clearing Soup 恶露祛除汤 |
4 |
NHL8740 Postnatal Brew (ShengHua Decoction)生化汤 |
8 |
Supplement Tea 补养茶 |
30 |
NHL8502 Confinement Tea红枣月子茶 |
A detailed set of soups and their corresponding benefits across a 30-day schedule
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, this postpartum recovery schedule focuses on balancing Qi, nourishing the blood, strengthening the body, and addressing specific needs such as warming, cooling, and tonifying.
Weekly Objectives |
Day |
Soup Benefits |
Soup |
WEEK 1 第一周 排除恶露 安神利眠 养血活血 Expels Lochia |
Day 1 |
益智安神 Calms the mind, promotes emotional stability |
Anti-Stress Herbal Tonic Soup 补脑宁神汤 |
Day 2 |
安神助眠 Calms the mind and nourishes the heart, helps with restful sleep. |
Sleep Well Tonic Soup 茯神安逸滋补炖汤 |
Day 3 |
祛湿 安神 健脾胃 Expels dampness, clears the mind, and improves digestion. |
4-Herb (PLUS) Tonic Soup 祛湿安神四神汤 |
Day 4 |
养血 安神 养发 Nourishes blood and Qi, supports digestion and tonifies the body. |
Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 枣仁乌鸡滋补汤 |
Day 5 |
清润安神 Helps with fluid retention, nourishing without excess moisture |
6-Flavour (PLUS) Tonic Soup 清润六味汤 |
Day 6 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Strengthens kidneys, bones, and the lower back. |
Eucommia Back-Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲补腰炖汤 |
Day 7 |
补虚活血 Strengthens vitality, Promotes blood circulation |
Notoginseng Rejuvenating Tonic Soup 田七活血补虚汤 |
WEEK 2 第二周 回补气血 补虚祛寒 强身壮腰 Restores energy and blood |
Day 8 |
补虚祛寒 Warms the body, strengthens vitality |
Warming & Nourishing Tonic Soup 祛寒补虚炖汤 |
Day 9 |
祛湿健脾 Expels dampness, strengthens spleen, and improves digestion. |
8-Treasure Herbal Tonic 八宝健脾祛湿汤 |
Day 10 |
气血双补 Tonifies both Qi and blood, balances and nourishes the body. |
8-Precious-Herb (Plus) Tonic Soup 加味八珍汤 |
Day 11 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood, supports healing, and prevents postpartum hair loss |
Angelica Blood Nourishing Tonic Soup 当归补血汤 |
Day 12 |
回补元气 Tonifies Qi, strengthens the body, and boosts energy. |
Ginseng Chicken Tonic Soup 参须炖鸡汤 |
Day 13 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Strengthens bones, alleviates lower back ache. |
Waist & Knees Strengthening Tonic Soup 益气补血壮腰膝汤 |
Day 14 |
生津提神 Enhances mental clarity and focus, nourishes energy reserve |
American Ginseng Tonic Soup 花旗参滋补汤 |
WEEK 3 第三周 回补元气 强筋骨 健脾胃 养血护发 Restores vital energy Strengthens muscles and bone Improves digestion Supports blood health and prevents hair loss |
Day 15 |
气血双补 Strengthens both Qi and blood, boosts energy. |
8-Precious-Herb Tonic Soup 八珍汤 |
Day 16 |
回补元气 Tonifies Qi, promotes energy and emotional balance. |
Stamina Builder Tonic Soup 柴胡益气滋补炖汤 |
Day 17 |
益气健脾胃 Strengthens the spleen and stomach, improves digestion. |
Korea Ginseng Milkvetch Root Tonic Soup 叁芪健脾滋补炖汤 |
Day 18 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood, promotes hair growth, strengthens kidneys. |
HeShouWu Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 何首乌滋发炖汤 |
Day 19 |
气血双补 Tonifies Qi, strengthens the digestive system. |
9-Flavour Korean Ginseng Tonic Soup 九味汤 |
Day 20 |
壮筋骨 防腰痛 Tonifies and strengthens bones, nourishes Qi. |
Waist Strengthening Tonic Soup 杜仲续断补腰炖汤 |
Day 21 |
养血调经 Nourishes and regulates blood, tonifies the body |
4-Herb (PLUS) Blood Building Tonic Soup 养血调经四物汤 |
WEEK 4 第四周 调养体质 滋阴润燥 提高免疫力 Improves physical condition Nourishes & moistens to clear excess heat Enhances immunity. |
Day 22 |
滋阴壮肺 Clears lung heat, nourishes Yin and moistens dryness |
Lung Nourishing Anti-phlegm Tonic Soup 祛痰润肺滋补汤 |
Day 23 |
养阴润燥 Nourishes Yin, moisturizes skin and lungs. |
Moistening & Nourishing Tonic Soup 养阴润燥炖汤 |
Day 24 |
养心安神 Calms the heart, nourishes blood, and improves sleep. |
Heart Nourishing Herbal Tonic 柏子仁养心炖汤 |
Day 25 |
养血 防产后脱发 Nourishes blood and promotes healthy hair. |
Hair Nourishing Tonic Soup 枣乌养血护发炖汤 |
Day 26 |
养颜滋补 Nourishes the skin, promotes healthy complexion. |
Beauty Nourishing Tonic Soup 养颜滋补汤 |
Day 27 |
补肝肾 壮筋骨 Strengthens the kidneys, nourishes essence, and improves vitality |
Waist Strengthening & Tonifying Tonic Soup 固腰强精炖汤 |
Day 28 |
养阴益肺 Nourishes Yin, strengthens the lungs. |
Lung Nourishing Herbal Tonic Soup 养阴益肺滋补汤 |
Day 29 |
养脾润燥 Strengthens the spleen, nourishes the lungs, and clears dryness. |
Lung & Spleen Nourishing Tonic Soup 养脾润肺滋补炖汤 |
Day 30 |
提高免疫力 Restores energy, boosts immunity, and revitalizes overall health. |
Perfect 10 Tonic Soup 十全大补汤 |
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