Cold & Cough Remedy
- Thunberg Fritillary Bulb
- Hogfennel Root 前胡
- Bitter Apricot Seed 北杏仁
- Peppermint 薄荷
- Liquorice Root甘草
Function: To alleviate flu & cough
功能:解表宣肺 化痰止咳
This tea treats flu and cough symptoms, particularly those associated with wind-heat and phlegm accumulation. The herbs work together to clear heat, transform phlegm, soothe the throat, and relieve cough, effectively managing flu symptoms, cough, and related respiratory conditions.
More info about the Herbs:
1. Thunberg Fritillary Bulb (Zhe Bei Mu, 浙贝母):
- Symptoms: Cough with thick phlegm, chest congestion, and difficulty breathing.
- Benefits: Thunberg Fritillary Bulb clears heat, transforms phlegm, and relieves cough. It is particularly effective for treating coughs with thick, sticky phlegm and chest congestion.
2. Hogfennel Root (Qian Hu, 前胡):
- Symptoms: Cough, wheezing, and chest tightness.
- Benefits: Hogfennel Root disperses wind-heat and expels phlegm. It effectively treats respiratory conditions such as cough, wheezing, and chest tightness, especially those caused by wind-heat.
3. Bitter Apricot Seed (Bei Xing Ren, 北杏仁):
- Symptoms: Cough, wheezing, and chest tightness.
Benefits: Bitter Apricot Seed is used to stop coughing and relieve asthma. It is particularly effective in treating conditions related to lung Qi stagnation, such as cough, wheezing, and chest tightness.
4. Peppermint (Bo He, 薄荷) :
- Symptoms: Sore throat, fever, and headache.
Benefits: Peppermint is commonly used to disperse wind-heat, clear the head and eyes, and soothe the throat. It effectively treats colds, flu, and other upper respiratory tract infections, especially those with heat symptoms.
5. Liquorice Root (Gan Cao, 甘草):
- Symptoms: Sore throat, cough, and general fatigue.
Benefits: Liquorice Root is a harmonizing herb that soothes the throat, reduces inflammation and alleviates coughs. It also boosts energy and supports the immune system, making it a common ingredient in many herbal formulas.