Lost-of-voice Remedial Tea
- Smoked Plum 乌梅
- Smoked Olive 乌榄
- Hornet Bee 竹蜂
- Indian Trumpet Flower 千层纸
- Liquorice Root 甘草
This tea treats throat-related conditions such as sore throat, hoarseness, and loss of voice. The herbs work together to soothe the throat, reduce inflammation, and restore voice function, effectively treating symptoms of colds, flu, and other respiratory infections.
More info about the Herbs:
1. Smoked Plum (Wu Mei, 乌梅):
- Symptoms: Chronic cough, throat irritation, and digestive issues.
- Benefits: Smoked Plum is often used to generate fluids, alleviate thirst, and soothe the throat. It is also known for its astringent properties, which can help with chronic cough and diarrhea.
2. Smoked Olive (Wu Lang, 乌榄):
- Symptoms: Sore throat, loss of voice, and dry mouth.
- Benefits: Smoked Olive is used in TCM to soothe the throat and alleviate symptoms related to dryness and inflammation. It is particularly effective for treating sore throat and loss of voice.
3. Hornet Bee (Zhu Feng, 竹蜂):
- Symptoms: Swelling, pain, and inflammation.
- Benefits: Hornet Bee is traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It can be applied in cases of swelling, pain, and inflammation, particularly in the throat.
4. Indian Trumpet Flower (Qian Ceng zhi, 千层纸):
- Symptoms: Sore throat, hoarseness, and cough.
- Benefits: Indian Trumpet Flower clears heat, reduces swelling, and soothes the throat. It effectively treats conditions like sore throat, hoarseness, and other throat-related issues.
5. Liquorice Root (Gan Cao, 甘草):
- Symptoms: Sore throat, cough, and general fatigue.
Benefits: Liquorice Root is a harmonizing herb that soothes the throat, reduces inflammation and alleviates coughs. It also boosts energy and supports the immune system, making it a common ingredient in many herbal formulas.